New members are always welcome to join either the Mount Barker District Concert Band or the Mount Barker Big Band, or both.

Prospective new members are always welcome. We would be happy for you to sit in with us for a few rehearsals on a “come ‘n’ try” basis. This is a good way to find out who we are and whether you’d like to become a member. You might prefer to become a member of just the Concert Band or just the Big Band. Some current players are members of both bands. Our current fees are available upon request (please use the Contact page to send us your enquiry).

We are happy to consider all concert/big band instruments, but there are currently some sections that we would like to strengthen. They are: trombones, brass instruments generally, and clarinets. Please contact us for more details.

Enquiries are always welcome and we endeavour to reply to them promptly — please use the Contact page to send us your enquiry.

Subject to need in some areas, we’ll consider new band members of all ages and abilities (we do not hold auditions) into our friendly family of band members!

If you would like to apply for membership, please complete and submit a Membership Application form here.